Women's Ministry


UPCOMING EVENT!  Women's PMS (Please Make Snacks) Party, 6PM at GodWhy Church.  Come get some "girl talk/advice" from a professional while sharing some amazing desserts!

GodWhy’s Women’s Ministry exists to provide a place for women to come together to share their life, struggles, joy and blessings.  Here are just a few of the ways we do this:

  • Fall Retreat - Sept. 6th-8th
  • Spring Retreat at Montgomery Bell State Park
  • Soup for the Soul Event - December 6th
  • Women's Small Groups

We provide a service to the community twice a year through our Children’s Consignment Sale which is our major fundraiser.  Not only does this event serve children and parents in our community but these funds also allow us to bless our ladies and the church.  

Our Women’s Ministry spans all age groups of our church and offers a connection point for service, fellowship and fun. If you would like to contact us, please send an email to: women@godwhy.com

You can also follow us through facebook! 


 Team Members:  Sheila Pearce, Kathy Allred, Jennifer Mazzola, Karen Ankrom, Carol DeMoville,  Ashley Lyle, & Sandy Sumey