CLUB 1 TO 5 is THE place to be for kids in 1st through 5th grade!

We are empowering children every week to change their world, one person at a time, one situation at a time, one choice at a time.  We have seen God use so many of these young people make an incredible impact for The Kingdom of God.  Each Sunday we explore God’s word in very exciting ways.

We use the High Energy curriculum of KidMo to teach the truth of The Bible in a relevant way that reaches kids where they are. We also believe in giving them applicable ways to live out these truths to be able to experience God working in and through them.  Couple this with Pastor Josh’s amazing gift of reaching kids on their level and you have a Sunday school experience you’ll never forget.  

Everyone’s a VIP at CLUB 1 TO 5 so come check it out!